Wesley Mission Queensland serves better with Sinch MessageMedia

Woman holding mobile phone

Wesley Mission Queensland (WMQ) is a not-for-profit organisation serving people and communities all over the state. Its 3000 staff deliver more than 80 services. These include caring for people and families in their homes, the community and dedicated residential facilities.

With many team members spending their days away from a computer, SMS has played a critical role in the organisation. The company has used SMS for years, from rostering arrangements to communicating with clients and their families.

But, these SMS communications were managed differently from service to service, says Justin Toon, WMQ Team Leader for Digital CX.

“That decentralised approach had become more challenging with WMQ’s growth. It wasn’t working well for us. We needed to see holistically who was sending what and be able to reach the whole organisation quickly if we needed to.”

WMQ needed reorganised SMS messaging, consolidated into one flexible, easy-to-use system. That’s where Sinch MessageMedia came in.

Messaging challenges

As a complex and diverse organisation, WMQ looks for the most efficient way to reach as many people as possible. While SMS would remain a crucial part of the organisation, the existing de-centralised approach needed streamlining.

Staff at some services had separate accounts with WMQ’s legacy messaging system, directSMS.

directSMS had worked for WMQ in the past. However, a more integrated system would deliver the oversight functionality and governance the organisation needed to boost efficiency and better serve its communities.

“We’re a large organisation with separate locations, so we need to be able to coordinate communications under one roof,” explains Justin.

With conversations coordinated through a shared system, WMQ could improve communication and service delivery. For example, if one staff member were covering another, they would simply review previous interactions with the client. An integrated system would also make it easier for each service to communicate with their clients.

Moving its internal and external SMS into Sinch MessageMedia would save time and money while improving efficiency, security and quality of service.

Consolidating 20+ accounts

Asking already very busy care teams to move from one platform to another is no small task. But WMQ knew it would be worth it, especially as they wouldn’t be doing it alone.

“Our account manager went above and beyond to get us where we are,” says Justin.

Working collaboratively with the team at Sinch, the WMQ team began by documenting the organisation’s current status.

“We analysed the number of accounts and active users, what was being sent, and why.”

They then transitioned active accounts from directSMS to Sinch MessageMedia, deleting obsolete accounts and implementing single sign-on. They also reviewed and set correct permission levels in line with updated security standards. This process immediately made everything more organised and consistent.

“Each sub-account has its own code. I love the tidiness of it – we can drill down to service areas or individuals.”

The shift felt seamless for WMQ staff.

“We’ve had great feedback – the interfaces are similar, so users were comfortable with the transition,” says Justin. “We could support people signing in for the first time – that has been smooth.”

Services that weren’t using directSMS still need to be added to a subaccount – and demand is high.

“I have a wait list of services wanting to be added,” says Justin.

Want to take SMS for a spin?

Image for Want to take SMS for a spin?

52% cost savings, immeasurable efficiency improvement

Consolidating WMQ’s 20 messaging accounts into one delivered immediate benefits to the organisation – a 52% cost reduction and security improvements with single-sign-on functionality.

“We got a better rate, but a big draw card was also improving on information security practices.”

Fast, efficient internal comms

Justin says that even though these benefits would have made the shift worthwhile, the organisation is also seeing significant improvements in efficiency, communication and service delivery.

The new system is especially useful when WMQ needs to pass on urgent and critical information. Without Sinch MessageMedia, these communications would be much more difficult.

“Without a central source, we just wouldn’t have been able to get communications out to our people. We would have had to rely on managers, so a percentage of the services wouldn’t have been informed.”

In the ordinary running of things, Sinch MessageMedia streamlines internal communications – from covering shifts at the last minute to updating care workers who are already out and about.

“If a client goes into the hospital at the last minute, we have to cancel a home visit appointment. How else could we let the care worker know? The real-time response is essential.”

Delivering better service

Much of WMQ’s work is with people at their most vulnerable, whether experiencing poverty or homelessness, needing support as they age, struggling to manage chronic illness, caring for sick loved ones and more. Even something as simple as a rescheduled appointment or a change in care provider can be highly disruptive emotionally and logistically.

Sinch MessageMedia lets WMQ services minimise the impacts with more efficient, timely and personal communication.

“Being able to update people alleviates so much stress,” says Justin.

“Because we can segment and personalise the messages, we’re helping clients trust our messages and service overall”

Justin Toon, WMQ Team Leader for Digital CX

Speed of communication is also crucial.

“We have to be able to update family members if there’s a COVID outbreak at a care facility,” he adds.

Sinch MessageMedia also makes it easier to confirm appointment times and gives clients more details about what to expect.

Boosting marketing and sales efforts

The new SMS system makes sales and marketing more efficient and effective – they can send SMS reminders and updates depending on how the prospect interacts with the initial email.

“If one of our retirement villages has a vacant property, we can use SMS to follow up with the leads who have shown interest in a property before,” Justin explains.

There is also an opportunity to integrate this platform with other enterprise systems.

Doing more together

The heart of everything WMQ does is the people, families and communities it cares for. While Sinch MessageMedia’s practical benefits are all about efficiency, transparency and governance, the most valuable outcome for WMQ is that it lets staff work together to deliver more for customers.

“I would highly recommend Sinch MessageMedia. It gives people the tools they need to do their job well.”

Justin Toon, WMQ Team Leader for Digital CX

Wesley Mission Queensland is an innovative and responsive not-for-profit community service provider, helping people across Queensland build stronger and more inclusive communities since 1907.


Justin Toon, WMQ Team Leader for Digital CX



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