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3 tips to grow your business in the new year using business messaging

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Tips, tricks & hacks 2 min read | Sinch Messagemedia wrote in blog on January 7, 2019

Do you want to grow your business in the new year? Do you want to boost conversions, engage your audience, solidify your brand, and work more effectively within your business?

Now is the time to start using business messaging to deliver your business right into your consumers’ and employees’ pockets.

1. Use SMS integrations to boost conversions

Online, eDM and media marketing are useful for awareness, but SMS is the best way to turn a passive viewer into an active customer.

Research shows that 98 percent of text messages are opened, with 90 percent opened within 90 seconds of receipt. Compare that to your email campaign results!

SMS can unite your marketing communications and drive consumers exactly where you want them to go.

Here are a few ways to use SMS to connect:

  • Try timed incentives – like vouchers or special offers – to steer customers in-store
  • Include short URLs to link to QR codes, mobile apps and webstore links
  • Personalized reminders can help direct consumers to your eDM campaign

2. Bulk SMS communications fuel greater customer engagement

Almost everyone has their mobile phone within reach at all times, and SMS is more personal than email. Conversion rates via email campaigns are routinely under two percent, whereas rates for SMS have been shown to be over eight percent.

The numbers are clear: no current strategy results in better customer engagement than SMS marketing.

SMS can help businesses:

  • Measure customer engagement to focus on brand influencers and advocates
  • Customize and target the content and timing of campaigns
  • Create a brand that is responsive, personalized and cutting edge

3. Business SMS helps transform the way you work

SMS isn’t just a way of communicating with your audience, as it can be used within your business as well. Rather than have emails languishing in inboxes, meetings forgotten, and miscommunication, SMS is a way of quickly connecting every part of your business.

These uses include:

  • Pre-planned and timed meeting and task reminders
  • Project updates sent directly to stakeholders
  • Up-to-the-minute supply chain notifications
  • Instant, company-wide crisis management

Connect and grow through SMS

Bulk business SMS is the perfect way to optimize your communications and keep your customers and employees in the loop.

Ready to roll?

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